most images, thumbnails, placeholders not loading

    Date: 01/11/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: java, security, web

    After switching to FF 1.5, iam facing these annoying problems.

    1) Most times when i load web pages, most placeholders like image links, thumbs, even smaller icons etc simply dont load. All are blank. Reloading doesnt really help much, still many places are blank. Its a big annoyance seeing blank even after successive reloads.
    when only the image resource is loaded, that single thing loads perfectly.
    bloody flash objects, adds all load, images,thumbnails dont.

    2) Not a big annoyance, still some pages fail giving the error message,
    'unable load could not connect'.. when i reload it problem is solved. Its annoyance at times to keep reloading.

    Regard to first problem, I use a laptop, in it all pages load perfectly with IE. Also both IE,FF work perfect in a desktop(same connection). So it should not be a problem with the connection.

    Also i tried in another user, another profile, a completely new profile all these with no extensions, the same problem persists there also. So its not because of extensions either.

    info : options->contents-> all image settings are correct with no filters. javascript, java enabled.

    I run windows XP (with all latest security).

    Can anybody help.. its big big nuisance.

    Thanks in advance

    cross posted to '[info]'firefoxusers


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