Reinstalling bookmarks in Firefox

    Date: 02/10/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi folks,

    I recently reformatted my laptop and reinstalled everything (Windows 2000). I'd backed up my "profile" folders for both Firefox and Thunderbird, and when I copied and pasted them over Thunderbird works fine - my addresses, emails, everything's there. However I can't seem to get Firefox to recognise my bookmarks. And when I go to File -> Import, as per this tutorial, the only option that comes up is "Import from Internet Explorer." It doesn't give me the option of importing them from a file. Any suggestions are welcome!

    On another note, ages ago I posted a question because my Synaptics touchpad wouldn't scroll in either programme, even when I installed a new driver. But since the reformat it's working fine! Hurray.


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