Profiles in screw-up

    Date: 03/10/06 (Mozilla)    Keywords: no keywords

    The laptop on which I usually work was going on a trip with someone else, so late last night (=early this morning) I copied my profile folder to a storage location on the computer I'm using at the moment, thinking I would get it set up today. All this is taking place in Windowsland.

    The computer I'm on right now has 3 identities: Admin, Me, and Him.

    So, not having read all the fine print in the kb, I copied that profile data from the laptop to the appropriate folder under Documents and Settings/Me/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles.

    Now I when I try to run firefox.exe while logged in as Me, nothing happens. Zero. Nada. Zip. Crickets chirp.

    So I logged off as Me and logged in as Admin. I tried to follow the instructions for using the Profile Manager to set up a new profile, Me, without the old prefs.js file. Then I tried running Firefox under Admin.

    No dice. I can't even run firefox.exe -P from the Run window, at least not while loggin in as Admin.

    At present I am logged in as Him, and I'm afraid to do anything lest I screw up some more.

    Help me, Obi-Wan, you're my only hope!


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