Boston MySQL Meetup (Cambridge) on Monday, April 10th, 7 pm -- Performance Tuning!

    Date: 04/07/06 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    Jay Pipes (co-author of Pro MySQL) is in town and will speak about "MySQL Performance Tuning Best Practices". This is the workshop he'll be giving at the MySQL Users Conference, so if you can't go don't miss this meetup! There will be FREE pizza and soda.

    We will have giveaways of Pro Mysql and gift certificates for free Apress books, and other swag like T-shirts, buttons, etc. RSVP for a headcount of soda and pizza at (you will have to register; sorry.... :( )

    Description of the workshop: Learn where to best focus your attention when tuning the performance of your applications and database servers, and how to effectively find the "low hanging fruit" on the tree of bottlenecks. It's not rocket science, but with a bit of acquired skill and experience, and of course good habits, you too can do this magic! Jay Pipes is MySQL's Community Relations Manager for North America.

    We will be meeting on MIT campus, close to the Kendall stop on the Red Line (subway). There is also plenty of free parking -- you can park in ANY MIT lot after 3 pm, even if it says "parking by permit only". We are in building E51, room 372.

    If you join the meetup, you'll get these messages automatically and great things like 30% discounts on O'reilly books, discounts to conferences, etc. It's OK to repost/forward this message.

    Here is the URL for the MIT Map with the location of this building: ?selection=E51&Buildings=g o

    This map shows the MBTA Kendall Stop: ?selection=L5&Landmarks=go
    (the stop is in red on that map, and you can see E51 in the bottom right)

    Here are the URL's for the parking lots: ?selection=P4&Parking=go ?selection=P5&Parking=go

    Pizza and soda will be served, so please RSVP accurately.

    Monday, April 10, 2006, 7:00 PM 2006-04-10 07:00:00
    MIT Building E51, Room 372
    Wadsworth and Amherst Streets
    Cambridge , MA 02117


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