Calculating difference in time from 2 date and 2 time columns

    Date: 10/28/06 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: no keywords

    In my table I have 4 columns: item_date, start_time, item_date2, end_date
    ie item_date, item_date = yyyy-mm-dd
    and start_time, end_date = hh:mm:ss

    I am trying to calculate the value of line items

    My old query used to work fine but now we have added an end date.

    Here's where I am at, but it doesnt work. I think I need to merge (item_date2 end_time) and (item_date start_time)

    SELECT invoice_number,
    sum( (( (TIME_TO_SEC(item_date2)+ TIME_TO_SEC(end_time)) - (TIME_TO_SEC(item_date) + TIME_TO_SEC(start_time)) )/3600) * rate) AS subtotal
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE office_id='300' AND service_type!='225'
    GROUP BY invoice_number
    ORDER BY invoice_number

    Taking row by row approach on one invoice to check totals...

    I have some extra columns just so I can see if the subparts are calulating correctly

    SELECT invoice_number, itemid, CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date2, end_time) AS time2, CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date, start_time) AS time1, TIMEDIFF(CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date2, end_time),CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date, start_time)) AS hours,
    sum( TIMEDIFF(CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date2, end_time),CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date, start_time) ) * rate) AS rowtotal
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE office_id='300' AND service_type!='225' AND invoice_number='8'
    GROUP BY itemid
    ORDER BY invoice_number

    So the final query would be:

    SELECT invoice_number,
    sum( TIMEDIFF(CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date2, end_time),CONCAT_WS(' ',item_date, start_time) * rate) AS subtotal
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE office_id='300' AND service_type!='225'
    GROUP BY invoice_number
    ORDER BY invoice_number


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