Graphical interface for MySQL?

    Date: 06/08/07 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, apache

    I have what is probably an easy question, but I've been Googling and don't quite know where to go.

    I write and test MySQL queries on a virtual Apache server on my PC before transferring it to the live server on a website. At the moment, I write the MySQL through a command-line interface, which makes it very difficult (almost impossible) to go back and edit the query if I need to change things or have made mistakes. It seems to take much longer to develop things than it should!

    At work, I use Teradata SQL and we have a nice graphical interface where we can type in SQL, edit it easily, save SQL to re-use and all those good things. It's much easier to develop in and also easier to copy and paste the query into other files, such as Excel or PHP.

    Can anyone recommend a good equivalent program for MySQL?


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