Just a quickie

    Date: 07/02/07 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, sql

    I'm beyond rusty on my MySQL, and I don't have my book handy (I'm at work, it's not). I'm plugging along working on this little program and I run into this little quandry. I'm positive it's an exceptionally easy question, but sometimes (especially with me) the easiest questions are the ones that I just have no flipping clue on.

    So...would this be a legal SELECT statement in MySQL?

    SELECT this_value FROM table_a AND this_other_value FROM table_b WHERE `this` = `that`;

    I'd upload it to the server and test it out, but I haven't bothered to put any data up yet. I'm just trying to get this down before I forget.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/116029.html

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