phpmyAdmin incosistency with the command line

    Date: 09/10/07 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

         I am puzzled by the following issue. I run MySQL on my personal computer (Windows) and use phpMyAdmin to work with it. However, every attempt to use COUNT - produces the syntax error. phpMyAdmin doesn't recognize COUNT as a command. Moreover, every time I try to use tbl_name.field_name instead of just I get the syntax error as well. However, if I copy exact the same SQL code (Copy/Paste) to DOS command line - everything seems to work great.  How can it be at all? Does anybody have an idea? Thank you.
        Windows XP, PHP 5.2.0, MySQL 5.0.27, PHPMyAdmin Installed EasyPHP 1. 8


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