table import

    Date: 01/26/08 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    hi mates,

    there's a problem I have, so would be great if someone could help me.

    I'm trying to import a .csv table into MySQL database. Following the instructions, I started a  new schema and a new table, which has exactly the number of columns as the table I'm importing. Then I run the following syntax:

    LOAD DATA INFILE "F://Documents and Settings//Jah Alarm//Desktop//Bart//HAYForecast2005-3.csv"
    INTO TABLE hay_2005

    I get the following message: Duplicate entry '"HAY2201 "' for key 1

    And as a matter of fact only the first entry from the table is imported.  Besides, all the  entries look like "x" rather than just x

    What am I doing wrong here?




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