Rolling average

    Date: 10/28/08 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, sql

    I have a table as below (Slightly truncated, but the idea is there)

    mysql> SELECT date, (sat0700 + sat0800 + sat0900 + sat1000) FROM alerts WHERE date LIKE '2008%' ORDER BY date ASC;

    | date       | (sat0700 + sat0800 + sat0900 + sat1000) |
    | 2008-09-13 |                                      39 |
    | 2008-09-20 |                                       0 |
    | 2008-09-27 |                                       9 |
    | 2008-10-04 |                                      16 |
    | 2008-10-11 |                                       9 |
    | 2008-10-18 |                                       4 |
    | 2008-10-25 |                                       1 |

    I'd like to do some kind of select that adds a new column to the output for a rolling average


    mysql> SELECT date, (sat0700 + sat0800 + sat0900 + sat1000) AND SOMETHING ELSE FROM alerts WHERE date LIKE '2008%' ORDER BY date ASC;
    | date       | (sat0700 + sat0800 + sat0900 + sat1000) | average |
    | 2008-09-13 |                                      39 |       39|
    | 2008-09-20 |                                       0 |     19.5|
    | 2008-09-27 |                                       9 |       16|
    | 2008-10-04 |                                      16 |       16|
    | 2008-10-11 |                                       9 |     14.6|
    | 2008-10-18 |                                       4 |    12.83|
    | 2008-10-25 |                                       1 |    11.14|

    How would I go about writing such a query? The closest I've got so far is a running total, but can't seem to make the example fit an average


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