ERROR 1201 (HY000): Could not initialize master info structure ...

    Date: 06/17/08 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql, linux

    Hello all. I'm so bored to kill this error ... can anybody help me?

    I have one master and about 10 slave servers. Time to time one (absolutely random) slave server lost replication connection. When i type slave stop; slave start; i see "ERROR 1201 (HY000): Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log"

    When i look at /var/log/mysql.log, i see

    [ERROR] Failed to open the relay log '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld-relay-bin.000759' (relay_log_pos 235)
    080617 12:25:45 [ERROR] Could not find target log during relay log initialization

    OK, "slave reset", drop databases , set MASTER etc, slave start - and replication does just fine. without any errors. Until the next time.

    I add to my.cnf next lines:


    But without any effect: replication may work fine long time or break at next hour.

    Question: how can set replication, that always work ? :)

    Platform: Linux Fedora 6 & 7, mysql 5.0.45, no any errors about disk or memory. Size of replication tables - about 1-2Mb


« Selective Replication in... || Memory leak? »

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