Effective coding

    Date: 09/22/09 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    I found an instruction set that said to list the first, and last name of all employees that had neither 'SON' nor 'DAUGHTER' listed in their dependency files. I came up with a query that gave me the results I wanted by assuming the database only takes SPOUSE, SON, and DAUGHTER, but assuming has always caused me trouble, so I would like to know: Is there any better way I could have gone about approaching this so it's not going by a general assumption of dep_relation = 1, and so forth?

    mysql> SELECT * FROM dependent;
    | dep_emp_ssn | dep_name   | dep_gender | dep_date_of_birth | dep_relationship |
    | 999444444   | Jo Ellen   | F          | 1996-04-05        | DAUGHTER         | 
    | 999444444   | Andrew     | M          | 1998-10-25        | SON              | 
    | 999444444   | Susan      | F          | 1975-05-03        | SPOUSE           | 
    | 999555555   | Allen      | M          | 1968-02-29        | SPOUSE           | 
    | 999111111   | Jeffery    | M          | 1978-01-01        | SON              | 
    | 999111111   | Deanna     | F          | 1978-12-31        | DAUGHTER         | 
    | 999111111   | Mary Ellen | F          | 1957-05-05        | SPOUSE           | 
    mysql> SELECT * FROM employee;
    | emp_ssn   | emp_last_name | emp_first_name |
    | 999666666 | Bordoloi      | Bijoy          | 
    | 999555555 | Joyner        | Suzanne        | 
    | 999444444 | Zhu           | Waiman         | 
    | 999887777 | Markis        | Marcia         | 
    | 999222222 | Amin          | Hyder          | 
    | 999111111 | Bock          | Douglas        | 
    | 999333333 | Joshi         | Dinesh         | 
    | 999888888 | Prescott      | Sherri         | 
    What I generated was:
    SELECT emp_first_name, emp_last_name 
    	SELECT emp_first_name, emp_last_name,
    	dep_relationship, COUNT(dep_relationship) AS count 
    	FROM dependent 
    	JOIN employee ON dep_emp_ssn = emp_ssn 
    	GROUP BY emp_ssn
    	) tempTable 
    WHERE tempTable.count = 1 
    AND tempTable.dep_relationship != 'SON' 
    AND tempTable.dep_relationship != 'DAUGHTER';
    To get:
    | emp_first_name | emp_last_name |
    | Suzanne        | Joyner        | 

    So really, I covered the "Son nor Daughter" case, but it's the count = 1 that I feel could be "bettered" so to speak.

    I appreciate the feedback. ;]

    Source: http://mysql.livejournal.com/137636.html

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