Pivs Not Showing Up?

    Date: 06/05/09 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    Hi Folks. I'm hoping this is a simple question, but its baffling me.

    I have a mySQL 5.0.27 DB. I am trying to give people "show view" and "create view" privs for a specific database. When I execute the commands to do this, they seem to be accepted with no problem - no syntax error, no warning. However when I then do a show grants on the person the "view privs" do not show up, and they confirm that they do not have those privs.

    I have flushed privileges as well, which was my first thought, but that is not the case.

    I do seem to be able to grant or revoke other privs.

    Views are new to us, but they were included in 5.0.1 so I should have them.

    Anyone have any thoughts?

    Source: https://mysql.livejournal.com/135180.html

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