Cross dependency

    Date: 12/14/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    SQL Query:
    SELECT grps.groupid, grps.title, grps.description, grps.approved, grps.create_date, grps.leaderid, user.username AS leadername, grps_categories.catid, grps_categories.title AS catname, grps_setting.image_name, grps_setting.private_posts, grps_setting.moderate_members, grps_setting.hidden_group, grps_setting.edit_details
    FROM grps_setting
    LEFT JOIN user ON (user.userid = grps.leaderid)
    LEFT JOIN grps ON (grps.groupid = grps_setting.groupid)
    LEFT JOIN grps_categories ON (grps_categories.catid = grps.catid)
    WHERE grps.groupid = 1;

    Error Message:
    MySQL Error : Cross dependency found in OUTER JOIN. Examine your ON conditions
    Error Number : 1120

    My Question:
    where's the cross dependency and why does this cause the query to malfunction?

    x-posted to php_mysql


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