Query Help - Merging Queries

    Date: 12/28/05 (MySQL Communtiy)    Keywords: no keywords

    I want to merge these three queries into one query (and then add more) but I cant seem to wrap my head arround combining the first two.

    ultimately I want to combine the 3 subtotals into one value.

    SELECT invoice_number, sum(((TIME_TO_SEC(end_time) - TIME_TO_SEC(start_time))/3600) * rate) AS subtotal
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE office_id='$office_id' AND service_type!='225'
    GROUP BY invoice_number
    ORDER BY invoice_number

    SELECT invoice_number, sum((1) * rate) AS subtotal
    FROM invoice_items
    WHERE office_id='$office_id' AND service_type='225'
    GROUP BY invoice_number
    ORDER BY invoice_number

    SELECT invoice_number, sum((mileage*mileage_rate)+groceries_value-discount_value) AS subtotal
    FROM invoice_main
    WHERE office_id='$office_id'
    GROUP BY invoice_number
    ORDER BY invoice_number

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/79721.html

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