1. Creating a new table...

    Date: 05/06/06     Keywords: php, sql

    Ok, I'm a newbie at this so I'm not sure what to do. I've got a MOD for a phpBB forum I run, and it says the following:

    #-----[ SQL ]------------------------------------------
    CREATE TABLE phpbb_invitations (
    invitation_id MEDIUMINT( 8 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
    invitation_code VARCHAR( 8 ) NOT NULL ,
    invitation_description TEXT NOT NULL,
    invitation_uses MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',
    invitation_group MEDIUMINT(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    invitation_email TEXT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( invitation_id )

    CREATE TABLE phpbb_invitation_users (
    invitation_id MEDIUMINT( 8 ) NOT NULL,
    user_id MEDIUMINT( 8 ) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY ( user_id )

    INSERT INTO phpbb_config ( config_name , config_value )
    VALUES ('invite_only', '1');

    I'm not sure how to do this, but I'm thinking that I have to go into the phpMyAdmin on my server and create the "phpbb_invitations" table first, then past in this code.... right? Wrong?

    Much thanks in advance for you help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/94911.html

  2. Mysql Question...

    Date: 05/06/06     Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

    I'm currently developing a small community site (WOW Guild site), and am working on optimizing the database calls and such.

    Currently, when a user loads a page the system checks the user's authentication, and then to see who else is online, checks a field in the db to see how many people have a comparable time...:

    1. user loads page > SELECT * FROM `Members` WHERE `name`=$name AND `pass`=$pass

    2. update user > UPDATE `Members` SET `lastclick`=$now WHERE `id`=$id

    3. find other users online > SELECT `id` FROM `Members` WHERE `lastclick` >= $now

    I was curious if there was a way to simplify this process...
    Thanks for anyhelp you guys can give me.

    (x-posted: '[info]'mysql, '[info]'php_mysql )

    I neglected to mention that $now is stored as 3 minutes in the future, so that the third returns all users registered as authenticated now or 3 minutes from now.

    $now is also not a traditional timestamp, but a whole-number representation created from a timestamp.

    The code already works, just trying to slim the query number down if possible...

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/94558.html

  3. Tracking Users with dynamic content

    Date: 05/03/06     Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    So I have been crafty and created a site that uses only a couple pages(PHP+MySQL)... but now I fear I wont be able to track how my users use my site. The navigation is such that if they pick a category from a list, the query returns limited results (for that category only).

    How do I track which category users are selecting? If it helps the categories are listed in their own table.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/94367.html

  4. SQL Help

    Date: 04/30/06     Keywords: php, sql

    I've got a MOD for remembering IP addresses when someone registers on the forum and I can figure everything else out except for how to SQL something. I'm totally lost. Here's the part in the MOD that I don't get:

    #-----[ SQL ]-------------------------------------------
    ALTER TABLE phpbb_users ADD user_regip CHAR(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';

    That's the very first thing I have to do and I can't figure out where/how to do that.

    Anyone? Help? Please?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/94109.html

  5. Monthly Stats Query

    Date: 04/26/06     Keywords: no keywords

    [UPDATE - no error]

    SELECT DATE_FORMAT(invoice_main.invoice_date, "%Y-%m") AS inv_date,
    SUM((invoice_main.mileage*invoice_main.mileage_rate)+ invoice_main.groceries_value - invoice_main.discount_value) AS reimbursements,
    SUM(invoice_payments.pmt_amount) AS payments
    FROM invoice_main
    LEFT JOIN invoice_items ON invoice_main.invoice_number = invoice_items.invoice_number
    LEFT JOIN invoice_payments ON invoice_main.invoice_number = invoice_payments.invoice_number
    WHERE DATE_FORMAT(invoice_main.invoice_date, "%Y-%m") = DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE(), '%Y-%m')
    GROUP BY invoice_main.invoice_number

    SOLVED "FROM invoice_main" missing...

    Just dont know if this is the right logic now :) - I'll let you know

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/93828.html

  6. Admin stuff

    Date: 04/21/06     Keywords: php, mysql, database, sql

    * EDIT
    I figured it out.
    The host name was wrong. I was using localhost when it should have been the host name of the server.
    thanks for the help.

    I just started doing some admin on a MySql database. I was hoping some of you may be able to answer a few questions for me.

    1) My user table has the following rows:

    mysql> SELECT host, user from user;
    | host                     | user |
    | localhost                |      |
    | localhost                | root |
    | vipindo1.securesites.net |      |
    | vipindo1.securesites.net | root |
    4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

    What I would like to know is what the are NULL users? When I create a new user using GRANT I dont get a NULL user to match.

    2)I want to create a user for my PHP scripts to run. I used this:

    GRANT SELECT ON vipinjry.* TO user@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

    When I connect from the command line it works fine. However when I use it on a script it does not work, I get an access denied for user error. I am trying to connect to the database using php's mysql_connect() function. I have used my root user to connect and it all works great, its only the users that I create that are not working. Is the host wrong? It's currently set to localhost.

    Thanks for any help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/93596.html

  7. DB Structure Theory

    Date: 04/21/06     Keywords: web

    Is there a good (web) resource that explains the theory behind good DB structure?

    I want to know why Tables are layed out in certain ways--and best practices when desinging DB structure.

    (it's a newbie question--thanks for the patience!)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/93089.html

  8. search string?

    Date: 04/11/06     Keywords: no keywords

    hey folks, i have this query

    SELECT entries.*, article.*, theme.entrybit
    FROM ej_entry entries
    LEFT JOIN ej_article article ON (article.articleid = entries.articleid)
    LEFT JOIN ej_theme theme ON (theme.themeid = article.themeid)
    WHERE article.userid = 10
    ORDER BY entries.entry_date DESC

    however i want to truncate the data returned, i have a column in the entries table in which i have strings stored such as "test,life,romance,work" as well as keeping it simple and having "test", i'm looking for a function in which i can use to just return entries with 'test' in the string, can anyone tell me what function i'm looking for?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/92823.html

  9. Boston MySQL Meetup (Cambridge) on Monday, April 10th, 7 pm -- Performance Tuning!

    Date: 04/07/06     Keywords: mysql, database, sql

    Jay Pipes (co-author of Pro MySQL) is in town and will speak about "MySQL Performance Tuning Best Practices". This is the workshop he'll be giving at the MySQL Users Conference, so if you can't go don't miss this meetup! There will be FREE pizza and soda.

    We will have giveaways of Pro Mysql and gift certificates for free Apress books, and other swag like T-shirts, buttons, etc. RSVP for a headcount of soda and pizza at http://mysql.meetup.com/137/events/4875276/ (you will have to register; sorry.... :( )

    Description of the workshop: Learn where to best focus your attention when tuning the performance of your applications and database servers, and how to effectively find the "low hanging fruit" on the tree of bottlenecks. It's not rocket science, but with a bit of acquired skill and experience, and of course good habits, you too can do this magic! Jay Pipes is MySQL's Community Relations Manager for North America.

    We will be meeting on MIT campus, close to the Kendall stop on the Red Line (subway). There is also plenty of free parking -- you can park in ANY MIT lot after 3 pm, even if it says "parking by permit only". We are in building E51, room 372.

    If you join the meetup, you'll get these messages automatically and great things like 30% discounts on O'reilly books, discounts to conferences, etc. It's OK to repost/forward this message.

    Here is the URL for the MIT Map with the location of this building:
    http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg ?selection=E51&Buildings=g o

    This map shows the MBTA Kendall Stop:
    http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg ?selection=L5&Landmarks=go
    (the stop is in red on that map, and you can see E51 in the bottom right)

    Here are the URL's for the parking lots:
    http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg ?selection=P4&Parking=go
    http://whereis.mit.edu/map-jpg ?selection=P5&Parking=go

    Pizza and soda will be served, so please RSVP accurately.

    Monday, April 10, 2006, 7:00 PM 2006-04-10 07:00:00
    MIT Building E51, Room 372
    Wadsworth and Amherst Streets
    Cambridge , MA 02117

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/92621.html

  10. converting database from PostgreSQL to MySQL

    Date: 04/05/06     Keywords: mysql, database, sql, postgresql

    Hello all.
    Sorry if this question is offtop question.
    I have dump of PostgreSQL database and now I want to use it with MySQL.
    Can You help me with converting it?
    Does anyone now how to do it? Or I should do it by hand?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/92257.html

  11. Little insight from the experienced, please

    Date: 04/03/06     Keywords: php, mysql, html, sql

    One of my projects has recently started listing results multiple times. The persons in charge of the servers say they have not updated the MySQL server or made any changes. In some cases I can accommodate for this by adding DISTINCT to the query. But on other pages, this is not helping.

    From an email I just sent to my super':
    "There is something up with our SQL server. I just looked at the View Profile page which I know I haven't touched in months and its also showing the profile page twice. In the PHP and HTML, the content is only there once and is called only for the results of the query. For some reason the query is suddenly calling two results of one row."

    I am clueless about it. For over a year these things were working fine and only sending one result. Suddenly its sending two or more results for the same row.

    If you guys have any idea why the server behavior and query results would change, or an hints at MySQL idiosyncracies, let me know. Thanks.

    MySQL 4.1.11-Debian_4sarge2-log. PHP call used in the View Profile: $Result = mysql_db_query($host, $user, $password);

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/91645.html

  12. Query Question

    Date: 03/31/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a table that I know has some entries that shouldn't be there. There should only be one entry per story number. I want to run a query to find out which ones are in there twice. The structure is:

    TableName: StorySeries
    Columns: StoryID (this should be unique), SeriesID, StoryNumber

    I do know how to fix it so there won't be future entries with the same StoryID, but I dont know how to find the ones that are currently in there.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/91322.html

  13. The sum total of a column

    Date: 03/24/06     Keywords: no keywords

    I thought this would be straight forward but I am having no luck with my query

    SELECT SUM(Amount) AS total 
    FROM office
    WHERE datepaid BETWEEN '$range1' AND '$range2'

    I have several rows of data and one column that I want to create a summary for by month. For this I am looping 12 times and storing the data in an array.

    However, my result is incorrect. If I go line by line and total up the year I get a greater number. Is there something obviously wrong in my query?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/90996.html

  14. recursive query

    Date: 03/23/06     Keywords: php, database, sql

    wondering if anyone could help me, i'm trying to help a friend quickly on a project, and i'm terrible at recursive functions

    i have a table of 'genres' for music club 'venues' - each genre can have a 'parentID' if it is a sub-genre of another genre

    really roughly he has something like this -




    I'm trying to help him build a form to submit venues into a database and assign them 1 or more genres -

    i'd like to have the genre selection be a multiple select box, with subgenres spaced over with  's i.e.

    I don't really need any help with the output as much as the query - I could do this the long way, and query all the top level genres, store them, then query each top level's sub genre's, etc etc, but i was wondering if anyone with experience writing recursive SQL querys/PHP functions could lend a hand


    cross-posted to '[info]'php

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/90644.html

  15. Ordering by numbers(?)

    Date: 03/21/06     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, can someone point me in the right direction?

    If I do an "order by date" or "order by ip", my listings are indeed in an order, however if it is a date they would look like this:

    And so on.

    So it is just looking at the first numeral, rather than taking 10,11,&12 to be greater than 2 for example. What is this called? I don't know how to search for this. It also happens with IP addresses, or I guess anything where your numbers have a particular order to them.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/90556.html

  16. SELECT DISTINCT and WHERE ... or something else?

    Date: 03/21/06     Keywords: sql

    I have a query which selects a columns from a table however, there are repeats. I understand to get just one request of the value I'd use SELECT distinct.

    However the SELECT statement also displays information from a second column and I want only the highest value.

    What I want effectively is SELECT DISTINCT columnA and columnB WHERE column B is the highest value in the record for colum A.

    Thanks in advance. It's been a while since I've done these regularly and my brain has turned to SQL-mush. It'll come back tho', I promise.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/90364.html

  17. Query two lookup tables

    Date: 03/20/06     Keywords: software

    Two tables exist:

    knowledgebase main knowledge base table, primary key is knowledgeid
    knowledgebase_softwareversion lookup table containing knowledgeid and verid
    knowledgebase_operatingsystem lookup table containing knowledgeid and osid

    Is it possible to create a single query that will show all Knowledge Base entries that match osid=1, osid=2, osid=6, and verid=3, verid=9, verid=44, verid=13?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/90045.html

  18. Query Question

    Date: 03/17/06     Keywords: no keywords

    Why would this query below bring up more than 150 records?

    SELECT Story.*, Author.Author, Author.Email, Rating.Rating FROM Rating, CharacterStory, Story LEFT JOIN AuthorStory ON AuthorStory.StoryID = Story.ID LEFT JOIN Author ON AuthorStory.AuthorID = Author.ID INNER JOIN Characters ON CharacterStory.StoryID = Story.ID WHERE CharacterStory.CharacterID = '1' and Author.Author BETWEEN 'C' and 'D' and Story.RatingID = Rating.ID and Story.Approved = 'Y' GROUP BY Story.ID ORDER BY Author.Author, Story.Title LIMIT 150, 300

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/89536.html

  19. Syntax for multiple left joins

    Date: 03/12/06     Keywords: database

    I'm working on a database to organize fan fiction stories. My current problem is figuring out how to generate a list of all the pairings that exist in the database for a given fandom. The relevant tables and columns are these:

    table story: storyid
    table fandom: storyid | showid
    table pairing: storyid | pairid
    table pairchar: pairid | charid
    table person: charid | charname

    Each story has one or more pairings. Each pairing has one or more (1-4 in practice) associated characters. Characters can belong to more than one pairing within a story, and multiple stories may have pairings that involve the same set of characters.

    I need results like this:

    CharA | CharB | CharC | CharD
    Sara | NULL | NULL | NULL
    Grissom | Sara | NULL | NULL
    Sara | Catherine | NULL | NULL
    Grissom | Sara | Catherine | NULL
    Grissom | Catherine | Nick | Warrick

    I know that getting the names in a consistent order is just a matter of comparing character ids and SELECT DISTINCT will condense the list. What I can't figure out is the correct syntax for what I believe should be a series of left joins to generate the list in the first place. Suggestions?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/89003.html

  20. Output validation?

    Date: 03/09/06     Keywords: php, mysql, sql

    Hi guys,

    I'm wondering if it's possible to validate the output of an sql query?

    I have the following query/code (using PHP5, and MSSQL):

    $sql = "SELECT TOP 100 PERCENT Mem_Number, Title_1, Name_1, Surname_1, Email, Date_Sent_Renewal, EmailList, Renewal_Date FROM BTCMembers WHERE (DATEDIFF(d, Renewal_Date, GETDATE()) > ".$cutoff.") AND (DATEDIFF(d, Renewal_Date, Date_Sent_Renewal) < 0) AND (Email <> '') AND (Date_Sent_Renewal <> '') AND (EmailList = 1) ORDER BY Mem_Number ASC";

    $result = odbc_exec($contact, $sql); // Run the query

    Now this query works exactly as I expect it to, but some of the data which is pulled could cause minor problems later.

    Specifically, there are a few records which have an "Email" field value of "N/A" -- the fault of dodgy input validation, I know, but I didn't make the input interface. *shrug*

    So, is there a way to write the query so that data pulled from the Email column must make a regular expression valid for email addresses?

    Posted to '[info]'php, '[info]'sqlserver, and '[info]'mysql

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/mysql/88763.html

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