
    Date: 06/05/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: no keywords

    Why is Firefox included in the download of the DivX installer?

    I could have saved you guys 5MB of bandwidth and told you before I downloaded the installer that I didn't want Firefox. Just imagine the savings in bandwidth if you just took out Firefox that has almost nothing to do with Dvix, encoding, playback or otherwise.

    Is it some sort of whack advertising? It annoys me that it's not even mentioned before the download that it includes firefox. How about a warning, or even better, a version w/o firefox in it.

    For various reasons, things like this shouldn't happen. It's a cheap trick to try to get more people to use Firefox. If firefox is going to gain more users, perhaps it should do so through it's merits, not by getting included in something that's not even related.

    It's almost just as bad as RealMedia including all of their other 3+ programs when you only wanted one thing from them. The only thing that keeps DviX (installer) out of that shitlist is that it didn't install other programs w/o my consent.

    It's bad enough it's automatically on "install" and you have to take action & opt-out. I'm sure it's gotten a few unwanted installs because of it.

    So when is DviX going to include the latest version of WinRAR? How about AdAware? No better yet, Open Office. Yeah, include into your installer, okay? Might as well, right?


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