Mac Opera 9 cannot load any pages and locks up totally

    Date: 06/25/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have Mac OS 10.2.8 and have downloaded Opera 9 twice and installed it four times and it won't do anything. I have to go to 'force quit' in the apple menu to shut it down as it totally locks up. It even locks up if I get it to start up with a blank page. That initial dialogue box works, but after that it's nothing.

    Oddly, it did work fine the first time I downloaded it, last night, but since then that version and subsequent downloaded/installed versions won't work at all. I can't go back to my older version as foolishly I deleted it thinking Opera9 would work.

    Anyone else experienced this? Or heard of other cases? I've checked the Opera forum and there is no other reports. I'm meaning to join up there and post, but for now with time constraints I'll ask here.

    Thanks if you can give any ideas or point to any discussion of something like this elsewhere.


« Opera 9 || Sticking with 8.54... »

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