Copy rich-text in Opera 9

    Date: 07/10/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: web

    Copy rich-text in Opera 9 @ My.Opera.Com (en)
    Исследование Оперного (9) копирования форматированного текста @ Operafan.Net (ru)
    I made some tests finding out why Opera's copy-paste doesn't transfer rich text and ended up writing program that resolves this problem to some extent.

    Here you are:operaRTE.exe (program). Open some RTE-field in Opera (TinyMCE, for instance), copy rich-text and run this program (it won't show up on your monitor, it just makes some internal stuff and quits). Then you can paste copied rich-text to Word (OpenOffice's Write) documents, IE's or Firefox's RTE-fields. And you can copy some rich-text in Word/Write, IE or Firefox, run program, and paste it in Opera.

    You can also make RTE-field from usual web-page using button:Design Mode, and copy page's contents with rich-formatting. © profiT


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