Not Opera related, but quite useful...

    Date: 01/15/07 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: no keywords

    I stumbled on to this about a week ago and gave it a shot. The company is called IObit (, and they seem sort of new, but so far they seem to have some great products. :)

    (•) Advanced Windows Care V2 Personal is the first one I tried. This thing has the same set of tools as Norton's Systemutilities package but runs faster and takes up less resources.

    It's very easy to use and quite comprehensive and I noticed a difference after just one use. It's free, so give it a shot!

    After seeing that program was worthwhile, I decided to try out their disk defragging program, called (•) SmartDefrag. I turned it on last night and did a manual defrag before I went to sleep, and again a noticable difference.

    Not only is this thing quite fast, it also has one of those nifty defrag-as-you-go type options. When your computer is idle it will defrag your hard drives with out any intervention from a human. :) Also you can schedual more defrags if you like very easily too. (I got mine to start at 3:00am on sunday, because I know I'm asleep then) Again, this is also free, so give it a shot!

    Lemme know what you guys think, I'm just curious if anyone else thinks these are good products. :)


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