New Opera Release, 9.20 Ready for Download (only slightly late)

    Date: 04/12/07 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: no keywords

    Just another step closer to the next major version change. This one offeres more for developers than previous versions, but they've also added something new and highly user friendly.

    It's called Seed Dial:

    Honestly it's become quite useful. Before this I had the 'Personal Bar' turned on, and it would have various sites I would go to on a regular basis. This is much better. You get a mini-preview that actually gets updated so you can see when your site is updated and thus saving time not going to sites you don't need to visit.

    There has been other updates, bug fixes and stability issues taken care of (changelog). I'd highly suggest that people upgrade from their older verisions of Opera. If it's your first time, make sure you check out some of the video tutorials so you can take full advantage of Opera's integrated features.

    Download: Opera 9.20

    x-posted in a few places


« 9.2 released || Opera Mini/Mobile »

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