No Flash with Opera 9.23 on Fedora FC7

    Date: 12/17/07 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: linux

    I'm not sure whether it was when I upgraded to Opera 9.23 (from 9.something) or when I updated the Flash plugin (now on flash-plugin.i386 0:, but I can't see any Flash content.

    I've followed the Opera instructions, checked the Flash test page, and I still can't see video on YouTube or more importantly HomestarRunner!

    I found some discussions which strongly suggested using the gnash plugin instead of Flash but that's no better.

    Any suggestions? (Those sites are fine with Firefox or Flock but I want to continue using Opera if I can.)

    [Environment recap: Opera 9.23 with Flash plugin 9.0.115 or Gnash plugin 8.1-5 running on Fedora Core 7.]

    Cross-posted to '[info]'fedora_linux


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