Strange LJ Quirk (at least for me) in Opera 8.02

    Date: 07/30/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser

    Anyone else with Opera 8.02 have this problem? You click the link to "Reply to this" or "Post a new comment" in someone's journal, a comment box used to (in previous versions) drop down under the link, and all previous comments would still be visible. Now, however, at least for me, the comment box will drop down for a second, then the page will switch to a whole new page to add the comment, without the rest of the comments visible.

    But you hit the "Back" button in the browser, it will take you back to the page with the drop-down comment box and the rest of the comments (if my explaination makes any sense).

    EDIT: Oh, and if you go "back" to that previous page and try to use that form, the "Post Comment" button doesn't function, but does function on that page without all the comments.

    Also posted in the "My Opera" forums.


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