Safe Browsing...

    Date: 09/27/05 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: security

    Opera 8.x
    Advisories: 8
    Highest Criticality: Moderate
    Impact: Spoofing, Cross Site Scripting, Security Bypass.
    Status: 100% patched

    Firefox 1.x
    Advisories: 24
    Highest Criticality: Extreme
    Impact: System access, DoS, Privilege escalation, Exposure sensitive info, Exposure system info, Manipulation of data, Spoofing, Cross Site Scripting, Security bypass, Hijacking.
    Status: 83% patched

    Internet Explorer 6.x
    Advisories: 86
    Highest Criticality: Extreme
    Impact: System access, DoS, Exposure sensitive info, Exposure system info, Manipulation of data, Spoofing, Cross Site Scripting, Security bypass, Hijacking.
    Status: 56% patched


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