opera won't display Tahoma correctly anymore

    Date: 02/03/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: no keywords

    I tried looking for a solution almost everywhere, Opera forums, usenet, nothing. Maybe someone here will be able to help me :|

    Well, Opera doesn't display the damn font. All was fine until... I can't tell exactly, I think it started happening some 2 weeks ago? I can't remember doing anything that could cause it.
    This is how "Tahoma" looks in my Opera (v 8.51 on WinXP):

    I tried reinstalling Opera (deleting all settings, leaving only bookmarks, search engines, notes and cookies), I tried running Opera with -debugfont, no good.

    Firefox and IE display it fine. (I refuse to use either, though :P)

    If any of you can help me, or can direct me somewhere where I can find a solution, I'd greatly appreciate.
    Huge thanks in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/opera_browser/50142.html

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