LJ and various Opera versions

    Date: 03/24/06 (Opera Browser)    Keywords: browser, css

    This is an attempt to be helpful, in case someone comes to this community looking for help on Opera+LJ. Also because these questions come up in LiveJournal support and I'm trying to save the trouble from both users and volunteers. ;)

    I'm sure many Opera users have noticed that various versions of Opera have various bigger or smaller issues with commenting on LiveJournal. Some of these you can fix, some you can't.

    Opera 7.x cannot use LJ quickreply, that is, the comment box opened directly under whatever you are replying to. This is not fixable, because 7.x doesn't support the necessary JS. LJ will fall back to normal comment behavior and open a new page.

    Opera 8.x cannot use LJ quickreply either, but it can be fixed with this UserJS file. It's caused by a bug in Opera itself. LJ will fall back to normal comment behavior and open a new page without the UserJS file.

    Opera 9tp1 cannot use quickreply, because the devs apparently broke something else while fixing the bug. ;) I have not tried this version myself, but from what I've gathered, when attempting to use quickreply you get the error "Unknown journal". Using the aforementioned UserJS script should fix quickreply, and also disabling quickreply entirely should cause permanent fallback to normal comment behavior and fix the problem. (To disable quickreply, enter set disable_quickreply 1 in the Admin Console while logged in.)

    Opera 9tp2 fixed all these issues and quickreply should function correctly out-of-the-box.

    I do not know the status of weekly builds on this issue.

    As for some other problems on LJ...

    In login forms, the LJ user icon, the small head, hides some of the text in most Opera versions. This is because Opera interprets the relevant CSS differently from other browsers, and it has been fixed in O9tp2. (Note though that it doesn't affect login form functionality in any way.)

    The rich text editor does not work in Opera. LJ recently switched to using FCK editor, which does not have support for Opera 9 (O8 does not support RTE in any case). I am told that FCK and Opera devs at least were working on getting them to cooperate.

    For paid users...

    The S2 layer editor is, to put it nicely, FUBAR. Horribly slow, doesn't recognize all keypresses, the edit textarea is about 20 characters wide, and so on. To be honest the editor is a great big failure in many browsers. I can only suggest trying other browsers until you find one that happens to work, or edit your layers in a text editor and pasting them in the editor whole. If someone knows a way to fix the editor with UserJS or other measures, please do share!

    The ScrapBook "Annotate" page, which you get for example just after uploading a new image, has issues - the description box is about two pixels wide. You can still edit descriptions by going to Manage picture instead of Annotate. I'm not aware of a way to fix this, if you know one, please share. :)

    Right-o. Did I miss something or make a mistake? Do you know of a way to fix some issue here, or information on how something behaves in a different Opera version? Do comment. I hope this is of some help to other Operaists on LJ. :)

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/opera_browser/52983.html

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