1. Calendar script

    Date: 06/06/10     Keywords: php

    I'm looking for a calendar class or script that will drop into an existing application, where I can tell it where to find events, and it will populate these events on the given day in a month view.

    Every php calendar I've looked at so far has it's own date tables.. I'm really only needing the "shell" of the calendar.

    Is there something like this available, or should I start writing my own?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/678943.html

  2. Parsing stray greater/less than symbols in HTML

    Date: 06/02/10     Keywords: html

    $str = "

    This is a test. This test is > that test, but is less than < the other test. The previous test may be

    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    $str = "

    This is a test. This test is > that test, but is less than < the other test. The previous test may be than the third test. The fourth test may be < the first, but > than the last. This is the end of the test string.


    Need to identify and convert the legit, non HTML greater/less than signs to ASCII.. I'm running out of ideas, especially with the substrings:

    The previous test may be < the second test, but is likely > than the third test.
    The fourth test may be < the first, but > than the last.

    Anyone have a suggestion or hint on how to accomplish this?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/678754.html

  3. Parsing stray greater/less than symbols in HTML

    Date: 06/02/10     Keywords: html

    $str = "

    This is a test. This test is > that test, but is less than < the other test. The previous test may be

    [Error: Irreparable invalid markup ('') in entry. Owner must fix manually. Raw contents below.]

    $str = "

    This is a test. This test is > that test, but is less than < the other test. The previous test may be than the third test. The fourth test may be < the first, but > than the last. This is the end of the test string.


    Need to identify and convert the legit, non HTML greater/less than signs to ASCII.. I'm running out of ideas, especially with the substrings:

    The previous test may be < the second test, but is likely > than the third test.
    The fourth test may be < the first, but > than the last.

    Anyone have a suggestion or hint on how to accomplish this?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/678754.html

  4. ASCII Convert issue

    Date: 04/16/10     Keywords: php, database, sql

    I have a person's name with a non-standard ascii character in it (š) and am having trouble converting to back to ascii to retrieve their record.

    The url string contains: mašalaitis
    But PHP reads it as: mašalaitis

    So, my SQL is basically not finding what is stored in the database (former) with what the querystring contains (latter). I'm trying to use ORD() based on the specific value that š outputs (154) and add � to the beginning, and ; after.

    But, this is what it shows when I loop through the whole name:

    109 = m
    97 = a
    197 = �
    161 = �
    97 = a
    108 = l
    97 = a
    105 = i
    116 = t
    105 = i
    115 = s

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/677993.html

  5. Startup is looking for developers (Moscow, Russia)

    Date: 04/14/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi there!
    Hope developers from Russia are reading this community, cause we're looking for great professionals in Moscow. Even got special prizes for them. We're the team of Russian startup tournament called Harvest@GreenfieldProject. It'll be held on 17th-18th of April in Moscow. So if you're from Russia, pls read the text below and join our event!

    Разработчики – самые дефицитные специалисты в стартапах. Поэтому на новом Harvest (РИФ+КИБ edition) мы создали вам особые условия.

    Harvest (РИФ+КИБ edition) – стартап-турнир, на котором за 2 дня можно успеть то, что не получалось доделать месяцами. Победившая команда получит полностью оплаченную поездку на учёбу в летней бизнес-школе Ignite в Кембридже (Англия).

    17-18 апреля пройдёт отборочный турнир для стартапов любой степени готовности: от задумки, презентуемой впервые, до развитого проекта, которому не хватает рук. Как советует Ричард Брэнсон «К черту все! Берись и делай!»

    Участники выберут лучшие идеи, представленные в формате elevator-питчей, разобьются на команды и при поддержке экспертов проработают концепцию и бизнес-модель, создадут прототип и инвестиционный тизер.

    Выходные – лучшее время, чтобы поработать над проектом собственного бизнеса. Или найти проект, к которому захочется присоединиться. Harvest – это площадка, на которой можно “и себя показать, и других посмотреть”: найти единомышленников, бизнес-партнёров, обменяться контактами с будущими заказчиками или потенциальным боссом.

    Финалиста определят 23 апреля на Объединенной конференции РИФ+КИБ 2010. Чтобы пройти в финал, нужно сделать summary готового проекта на английском. А затем пройти телефонное интервью с представителем Кембриджского университета. Знание языка очень пригодится.

    Второй приз — участие в любой образовательной программе Start in Garage на ваш выбор.

    Подробная информация и регистрация участников на сайте стартап-турнира: http://harvest.greenfield-project.ru/
    Цена участия для разработчика составит всего 600 р. Снизить её еще на 20% можно, оплатив через интернет.

    Тем, кто зарегистрировался, достаточно приехать 17 апреля с ноутбуком, знаниями и опытом в МФПА на “Семёновской” (100 м. от метро). Остальное – интернет, питание, аудитории и интересных экспертов – обеспечит команда организаторов.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/677873.html

  6. Startup is looking for developers (Moscow, Russia)

    Date: 04/14/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi there!
    Hope developers from Russia are reading this community, cause we're looking for great professionals in Moscow. Even got special prizes for them. We're the team of Russian startup tournament called Harvest@GreenfieldProject. It'll be held on 17th-18th of April in Moscow. So if you're from Russia, pls read the text below and join our event!

    Разработчики – самые дефицитные специалисты в стартапах. Поэтому на новом Harvest (РИФ+КИБ edition) мы создали вам особые условия.

    Harvest (РИФ+КИБ edition) – стартап-турнир, на котором за 2 дня можно успеть то, что не получалось доделать месяцами. Победившая команда получит полностью оплаченную поездку на учёбу в летней бизнес-школе Ignite в Кембридже (Англия).

    17-18 апреля пройдёт отборочный турнир для стартапов любой степени готовности: от задумки, презентуемой впервые, до развитого проекта, которому не хватает рук. Как советует Ричард Брэнсон «К черту все! Берись и делай!»

    Участники выберут лучшие идеи, представленные в формате elevator-питчей, разобьются на команды и при поддержке экспертов проработают концепцию и бизнес-модель, создадут прототип и инвестиционный тизер.

    Выходные – лучшее время, чтобы поработать над проектом собственного бизнеса. Или найти проект, к которому захочется присоединиться. Harvest – это площадка, на которой можно “и себя показать, и других посмотреть”: найти единомышленников, бизнес-партнёров, обменяться контактами с будущими заказчиками или потенциальным боссом.

    Финалиста определят 23 апреля на Объединенной конференции РИФ+КИБ 2010. Чтобы пройти в финал, нужно сделать summary готового проекта на английском. А затем пройти телефонное интервью с представителем Кембриджского университета. Знание языка очень пригодится.

    Второй приз — участие в любой образовательной программе Start in Garage на ваш выбор.

    Подробная информация и регистрация участников на сайте стартап-турнира: http://harvest.greenfield-project.ru/
    Цена участия для разработчика составит всего 600 р. Снизить её еще на 20% можно, оплатив через интернет.

    Тем, кто зарегистрировался, достаточно приехать 17 апреля с ноутбуком, знаниями и опытом в МФПА на “Семёновской” (100 м. от метро). Остальное – интернет, питание, аудитории и интересных экспертов – обеспечит команда организаторов.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/677873.html

  7. poplating a dropdown list

    Date: 03/29/10     Keywords: database

    I am creating a database that records people's work activities and want to use drop down menus to clean up the values they enter. They get paid based on their activities and roles, so I don't want a lot of user error.
    Right now, I'm using the same table for people to add or edit their entries, and people could say if a conference they went to was, for example, university, national or international in scope.
    The code right now is:
    " size="60" />
    How do I add a drop down menu to this that still calls the existing value (if one exists) but allows them to add or edit other selections?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/677556.html

  8. Detect change in Radial Buttons

    Date: 03/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a project where people can select from a variety of items.
    When they’ve made a selection, I reduce the number of items available in a separate table that keeps count.

    Now I want to make it so that the user can edit his/her decision later.  That requires me to be able to (re)add items to the count that are no longer wanted/needed, and reduce the number of the new item taken.

    I’ve been using radial buttons in a form, because it only allows one item (of several) from each group of items.

    It’s easy for me to repopulate the form, and then update the user info…
    ….but I can’t wrap my head around how to detect a change from one item to the next so I can update my count.

    ???  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/677289.html

  9. Detect change in Radial Buttons

    Date: 03/22/10     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a project where people can select from a variety of items.
    When they’ve made a selection, I reduce the number of items available in a separate table that keeps count.

    Now I want to make it so that the user can edit his/her decision later.  That requires me to be able to (re)add items to the count that are no longer wanted/needed, and reduce the number of the new item taken.

    I’ve been using radial buttons in a form, because it only allows one item (of several) from each group of items.

    It’s easy for me to repopulate the form, and then update the user info…
    ….but I can’t wrap my head around how to detect a change from one item to the next so I can update my count.

    ???  Thanks for any insight you can provide.

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/677289.html

  10. array_count_value

    Date: 02/14/10     Keywords: no keywords


    Is it possible to rank array_count_value() in order of... count?


    $array = array(1,1,2,2,2,3);

    It would output, in this order: 2, 1, 3 because 2 has the highest frequency.

    Thanks in advance!


    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/676928.html

  11. array_count_value

    Date: 02/14/10     Keywords: no keywords


    Is it possible to rank array_count_value() in order of... count?


    $array = array(1,1,2,2,2,3);

    It would output, in this order: 2, 1, 3 because 2 has the highest frequency.

    Thanks in advance!


    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/676928.html

  12. My variables are getting mixed up --RESOLVED (I'm an idiot)

    Date: 02/14/10     Keywords: no keywords

    If I run the the code below, I get an unexpected result.
    I would expect
    Instead I get:---and I don't understand why.  Anyone able to help?

    --------------------------------- code snippet below ------------------------------

    $SixPM_form = "Camping";
    $SevenPM_form = "Nation";
    $EightPM_form = "First";
    $CampingSixPM = "33";
    $CampingSevenPM = "32";
    $CampingEightPM = "31";

    if ($SixPM_form = "Camping")
        $UpdateCampingSixPM = ($CampingSixPM - 1);
    if ($SevenPM_form = "Camping")
        {$UpdateCampingSevenPM = ($CampingSevenPM - 1);
    if ($EightPM_form = "Camping")
        $UpdateCampingEightPM = ($CampingEightPM - 1);

    echo $SixPM_form;
    echo $SevenPM_form;
    echo $EightPM_form;
    echo $CampingSixPM;
    echo $CampingSevenPM;
    echo $CampingEightPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingSixPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingSevenPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingEightPM;

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/676671.html

  13. My variables are getting mixed up --RESOLVED (I'm an idiot)

    Date: 02/14/10     Keywords: no keywords

    If I run the the code below, I get an unexpected result.
    I would expect
    Instead I get:---and I don't understand why.  Anyone able to help?

    --------------------------------- code snippet below ------------------------------

    $SixPM_form = "Camping";
    $SevenPM_form = "Nation";
    $EightPM_form = "First";
    $CampingSixPM = "33";
    $CampingSevenPM = "32";
    $CampingEightPM = "31";

    if ($SixPM_form = "Camping")
        $UpdateCampingSixPM = ($CampingSixPM - 1);
    if ($SevenPM_form = "Camping")
        {$UpdateCampingSevenPM = ($CampingSevenPM - 1);
    if ($EightPM_form = "Camping")
        $UpdateCampingEightPM = ($CampingEightPM - 1);

    echo $SixPM_form;
    echo $SevenPM_form;
    echo $EightPM_form;
    echo $CampingSixPM;
    echo $CampingSevenPM;
    echo $CampingEightPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingSixPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingSevenPM;
    echo $UpdateCampingEightPM;

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/676671.html

  14. Open PDF in browser, not "Save As"

    Date: 01/22/10     Keywords: browser

    My users want an option to open stored PDFs in the browser window instead of being prompted to download the file.

    Current code:

    			header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    			header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    			header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
    			header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    			header('Expires: 0');
    			header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    			header('Pragma: public');
    			header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

    How would I write the headers to allow files to open in the browser window?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/676531.html

  15. Open PDF in browser, not "Save As"

    Date: 01/22/10     Keywords: browser

    My users want an option to open stored PDFs in the browser window instead of being prompted to download the file.

    Current code:

    			header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    			header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
    			header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.basename($file));
    			header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    			header('Expires: 0');
    			header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    			header('Pragma: public');
    			header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($file));

    How would I write the headers to allow files to open in the browser window?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/676531.html

  16. Build Array from Checkboxes in Form

    Date: 01/14/10     Keywords: web

    I’m helping with a web form that has a lot of selectable options.
    (There must be 70 different items that can be selected by the user, in any number of combinations.)

    These are represented as check boxes in the form.

    I’m wondering if there is a way to create an array of all the selected items without having to check each one individually, and adding it manually.

    I suppose I could make a function to do all the hard work…but I’d still have to call that function for each and every checkbox item.  Seems inefficient.

    Any ideas?

    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/676320.html

  17. Build Array from Checkboxes in Form

    Date: 01/14/10     Keywords: web

    I’m helping with a web form that has a lot of selectable options.
    (There must be 70 different items that can be selected by the user, in any number of combinations.)

    These are represented as check boxes in the form.

    I’m wondering if there is a way to create an array of all the selected items without having to check each one individually, and adding it manually.

    I suppose I could make a function to do all the hard work…but I’d still have to call that function for each and every checkbox item.  Seems inefficient.

    Any ideas?

    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/676320.html

  18. Question about file uploads

    Date: 01/04/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Wow, I'm posting a lot lately!

    So I'm working on a script that will upload files to a server. Is there a way to specify what user the script uploads as, or am I just stuck with uploading as the "nothing" user?

    I know I can chown it after the fact, but that just doesn't seem to work well.

    Also, if I use chmod() on a directory, will the permission change also apply to all files within the directory?


    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/675722.html

  19. Question about file uploads

    Date: 01/04/10     Keywords: no keywords

    Wow, I'm posting a lot lately!

    So I'm working on a script that will upload files to a server. Is there a way to specify what user the script uploads as, or am I just stuck with uploading as the "nothing" user?

    I know I can chown it after the fact, but that just doesn't seem to work well.

    Also, if I use chmod() on a directory, will the permission change also apply to all files within the directory?


    Source: https://php.livejournal.com/675722.html

  20. Question about Arrays

    Date: 12/31/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys, another dumb question!

    Do things like in_array and array_search work properly in multi-dimensional arrays? Also, is there a way to specify which elements in a multidimensional array to check?


    Source: http://php.livejournal.com/675394.html

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