My variables are getting mixed up --RESOLVED (I'm an idiot)
Date: 02/14/10
(PHP Community) Keywords: no keywords
If I run the the code below, I get an unexpected result. I would expect Camping Nation First 33 32 31 32 32 31 Instead I get:---and I don't understand why. Anyone able to help? Camping Camping Camping 33 32 31 32 31 30
--------------------------------- code snippet below ------------------------------
$SixPM_form = "Camping"; $SevenPM_form = "Nation"; $EightPM_form = "First"; $CampingSixPM = "33"; $CampingSevenPM = "32"; $CampingEightPM = "31";
if ($SixPM_form = "Camping") { $UpdateCampingSixPM = ($CampingSixPM - 1); } if ($SevenPM_form = "Camping") {$UpdateCampingSevenPM = ($CampingSevenPM - 1); } if ($EightPM_form = "Camping") { $UpdateCampingEightPM = ($CampingEightPM - 1); }
echo $SixPM_form; echo $SevenPM_form; echo $EightPM_form; echo $CampingSixPM; echo $CampingSevenPM; echo $CampingEightPM; echo $UpdateCampingSixPM; echo $UpdateCampingSevenPM; echo $UpdateCampingEightPM;