
    Date: 05/03/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, web

    I have a need for a particular set of functions in a calendar application for events (for use by a group that schedules events).

    Basically, I want to have:

    * Authenticated users adding events to the calendar.
    * Anonymous users being able to search events in the calendar.
    * Relatively flexible event scheduling, e.g. "third thursday of every month", "alternate fridays", etc.
    * Relatively flexible event searching, e.g. "show me all events of type X in or near postcode Y" (and much more complex searching than that, too).

    Now I'm reasonably resigned to the fact that I'm going to have to code a lot of this to get the searching functionality working the way I want it to at least, but can anyone offer me some starting points? I've looked at a few PHP calendar packages such as ExtCalendar2, phpCalendar, and WebCalendar, and also the PEAR Calendar class, but does anyone have any experience extending / modifying these to give me the sort of functionality I'm after?


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