Maintaining Drop Down Menu Selection

    Date: 06/15/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php


    I've a problem that appears it may have a simple solution but I can't seem to figure out. :)

    On my php page I have two drop down menus. You make a selection from the first menu and click submit. Doing this will populate the second drop down menu with data corresponding to your first selection. When you make your second selection some information is displayed at the bottom of the screen. My problem is that when you make your first selection and click submit, the page gets refreshed and your selection is no longer displayed in the drop down menu. The same thing happens when you make your selection from the second drop down menu. Once you press submit, the page refreshes and the drop down menu displays the first item in the menu instead of the one you selected.

    How do I get around this refreshing problem? I hope you can help :)



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