Another question...

    Date: 07/11/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, java, web

    I hope you guys aren't getting sick of've all just been a huge help in my learning of PHP I can't help but come back here.

    Anyway, new's so foolisly simple yet so ridiculously Here it is:

    I've got a webpage with two drop down menus, using a separate form for each menu. The second drop down list is populated with information based on what the user selects from the first drop down menu. There are no "submit" buttons...I'm using an "OnChange" Event.

    Once the user make a selection from the first drop down menu and then makes their selection from the second drop down menu, I want to be able to display the two selections that they have made just using a print statement in PHP. But what is happening is when the second drop down menu selection is made, it's completely swiping the selection from the first drop down menu from memory. I tried to create a variable in PHP that would store the first selection but it keeps getting swiped from memory. How do I fix this? Is it the ONCHANGE event that I'm invoking with the drop down menus? The javascript I'm using is: javascript:document.menu1.submit() and for the second drop down menu I'm using: this.form.submit(). I can't seem to maintain the selections that are being made.... :(

    I hope that makes sense. Essentially, I'm just trying to let the user know what they selected by putting it to screen, but when I click the second drop down menu only the second drop down menu's selection gets displayed. The first drop down menu's selection output is blank because it has been swiped! Ahhh! This is driving me



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