php4 question.

    Date: 09/23/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, xml

    ok, so I am going to start with, this is a php4 based machine and I can't upgrade to 5 so I need a php4 solution.

    I have some XML that I am parsing and creating an array object out of. a var_dump of the object gives me this.

    object(stdClass)(1) {
      array(1) {
        &object(stdClass)(5) {
          array(1) {
            string(6) "create"
          array(1) {
            string(4) "testing"
          array(1) {
            string(4) "testing"
          array(1) {
            string(19) "2006-09-21 00:00:00"

    This is the deal. I want to add to this list, but I am not sure how to do it. I am parsing using the XmlC class example from I want to add a [errors] object with a few sub object (which will all be turned back into XML string afterwards and returned to the end users). I am not sure how to programmatically add this. Help please..

    [edit]: I should add more information. I want to add [errors] to the same level as [timestamp] in the same object without having to rebuild the object.


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