upload issues.

    Date: 12/04/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php

    ok here's the deal. I work for a company that has this client. The client has an application for uploading PDFs to our servers, and we send those PDFs to the printers. We've had this running for a couple months, with little issues here and there, but suddenly we ran into an issue. Some customers get dropped connections, or their temp file that php makes isn't there when it goes to copy it to it's permenant home. This started happening after the volume of uploads started to go up.

    I have tweaked the php settings so that the max file size is like 250MB the max post is 300MB and the memory is cranked to like 600MB. Not sure where to go, I am totally lost. The sad thing is I can't even replicate the problem. Advice?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/php_dev/74759.html

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