Third year project - thoughts wanted

    Date: 06/18/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, java

    I need to hand in a project title for my third year project by the end of the term, and have been thinking about it for a while.
    Most potential ideas have been junked due to being too complex (occasionally), not interesting enough for me to motivate myself (very common) or not complex enough (fairly common)

    Anyway, my current best idea is:

    Many of you will know of a site called Audioscrobbler - a site that tracks what you listen to and then suggests artists to listen to based on other users that listen to similar artists. All reasonably simple, and quite cool.

    One idea I had was to make a similar system, that runs off a winamp plugin that tracks what you listen to (like audiscrobbler) but has the concept of sessions - i.e. it groups music that you listen to at the same time.
    For example it would track that when I'm listening to to music like AC/DC I also listen to music by Metallica or Guns and Roses or ZZ Top
    When I'm in a mood for stuff like the The Clash I might also listen to things like The Jam and The Ramones etc.
    It would then link music by how much I like to listen to it together.

    Then say I'm throwing a BBQ and I want some music to listen to, I could specify something like this:

    First hour: Music like Beach Boys or like Dandy Warhols etc (chilled out stuff I often listen to when in a summery mood)
    Next 3 hours: Mike and the rest of the guys have turned up, the big drinking stuff starts - music like AC/DC
    Next 3 Hours: Music like the Killers or the Jam (you can pick several areas by adding several bands you listen to at different times)
    Last 2 Hours: Stuff like Morcheeba, Mogwai or XFM flowmotion

    Then hit generate and it creates a play list using random songs from those areas that I copy onto my music player and leave running for the BBQ.

    Anybody have any thoughts/comments/suggestions for this or any other potential projects?



    X-posted to java_dev and php/php_dev


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