PHP Programmers Needed

    Date: 10/05/05 (PHP Development)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello everyone!

    Please bare with me because I'm completely new at asking for help, or requesting interest.

    I work for a new coming of age petsite called "Teripets" and although we do have our own programmers, we are currently seeking new programmers to help us get things up and running.

    I realize that many of you have "real" jobs, but this site means a lot to those that use it on a day to day basis. We are here to make sure people have fun and enjoy the things we have to offer. The site is mainly run by volunteering since we are still using advertisements to pay for our host -- so unfortunately to anyone that wishes to help us out, this will be a volunteer job. We are hoping to change this in the future.

    If anyone is interested, you may contact me directly ( or please contact the site's owner at

    Thank you so much for your time



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