Resource for obsolete php?

    Date: 01/13/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php

    Since this list was so helpful the other day, I hope you don't mind another post!

    I am involved in a freelance project where my client wants to use their existing account, and the isp is running php version 4.0.4. I have already nagged the support people and they say they have "no plan for upgrading in the near future" so I'm stuck with it for now.

    Some of my scripts that work fine on my server are choking on 4.0.4. and I am having a hard time finding a resource for old commands and functions that may have been changed in newer versions. I would love to see some kind of table listing the changes between 4 and 5.

    I am particularly frustrated with form processing at the moment (the array $_POST isn't being found or something).



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