re-casting objects in PHP

    Date: 02/12/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php


    Perl lets me do this:

    package A;
    sub new {
    my ($class, @params) = @_;
    my $self = { };
    bless $self, ref($class) || $class;
    return $self;


    package B;
    @ISA = qw(A);


    my $a = new A;
    bless $a, "B";
    # $a is now an object of class B.


    The equivalent in PHP to the class heirarchy is this:

    class A {
    function A() { };

    class B extends A {
    function B() { };

    Now is it possible to write some code that allows "upgrading" an object of class A to be an object of class B? i.e. I want to do something equivalent to the perl "bless" function, which turns a reference into an object, however I want to do it to an object, e.g.

    $a = new A();
    $b = $a->transform_to_class_B();

    ... or similar.

    Has anyone figured out a PHP 4 or 5 way of doing this?


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