PHP/MySQL Developer job position

    Date: 02/22/06 (PHP Development)    Keywords: php, mysql, rss, css, html, database, sql, java, web, linux, apache

    I hope job postings are welcome here.

    We are looking to hire a PHP/MySQL Applications Developer at our offices in Charlestown, MA (part of Boston). This is a full-time, on-site position. If you are interested in applying, please send your resume, links to successful projects, and a code sample (100 or more lines showing your coding abilities and standards) to mo at smarterliving dot com.

    PHP/MySQL Applications Developer

    We are looking for a smart, creative, motivated self-starter who wants to join a strong team of developers in a rapidly growing company, building some of the leading consumer websites in the travel industry.

    The PHP/MySQL Applications Developer will be a part of our Applications Development team developing scalable, database-driven web applications for our production websites ( and in a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) environment.

    We offer competitive salary & benefits and a great work environment in T-accessible office space with parking on the Charlestown/Somerville line.

    Job Qualifications:

    The ideal candidate has 2-5 years experience developing with PHP 4-5 in a professional team environment using Object-Oriented Design principles. A strong understanding of XHTML, CSS, MySQL and JavaScript is also required. Experience with AJAX, JSON, RSS or other emerging technologies is a plus.

    The successful candidate will communicate well, be committed to delivering quality work on an aggressive schedule, and must be able to function independently as well as part of a team. Must document code faithfully and take good coding practices seriously.

    To apply:

    To apply please provide a resume and cover letter including links to successful projects and summarize your participation. A code sample sufficiently long to show coding style and design methodology is also required. In addition, please indicate the best time to contact you, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

    IMPORTANT: Any submission not including code samples and links to working online applications that the candidate has written will be ignored.

    The location for this position is in Charlestown, MA. It is a full-time, on-site position.



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