long time no post

    Date: 01/09/05 (Elite PHP Development)    Keywords: php

    Well it seems that i have been neglecting my php_elite posting.
    so here is a post.
    someone new has joined the rather small group that is php_elite.
    que pasa
    and all that goodness that is a hello.
    well im just waiting for someone to post to php_elite besides me.
    right now i am working on some code for the roaring fork school district.
    for the ELS system, part of Bush (yes, the dumbass pres) 's every child left behind act (ECLB).
    it is specifically for tracking children through their progress in the school systems to make sure
    that everyone is exactly where they need to be. such as being able to read and write, or being able to
    pronounce words, or deduce a words meaning.
    as much as the ECLB is made to make sure that kids cannot think for themselves, we are making it an actual
    usable tool that will actually Help the kids rather than hinder their progress. if only we could rid the world of
    standardised testing, that is just stupid.
    well thats my current coding project.
    A line of coding zen:

    function socket_raw_connect ($server, $port, $timeout,$request)
    if (!is_numeric($port) or !is_numeric($timeout)) {return false;}
    $socket = fsockopen($server, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
    fputs($socket, $request);
    $ret = '';
    while (!feof($socket))
    $ret .= fgets($socket, 4096);
    return $ret;
    ohh give me goosebumps. raw data...*drools*.

    Source: https://php-elite.livejournal.com/850.html

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