a question of messaging
Date: 02/15/07
(See my site) Keywords: no keywords
I'm trying to concentrate on the messaging of the site. Part of that is visual and part text--we're brainstorming how to better tell with words the prospective reader or writer what GUD is and what GUD is about; what someone might expect to find inside us in somewhat more concrete terms.
Meanwhile, visually, we really come across as some dark, surreal horror mag--or so it's been intimated to me, and the site _is_ a bit oppressive after a while.
So this is _one_ thought on where the design might go -- the spacing is all wrong, throughout (at least, it needs tweaking to get lines to where the eye wants them, that sort of thing), but I'm just trying to get an idea for what something could look like (and how to fit more information on the page).
This design, at default font size, adds about 100 pixels to the width of the site. If you could see the "Preview Issue 0" vertical banner on the current site... then you should see the entirety of this design, too. And I'm planning on making it respond more appropriately to font resizing -- sizing the page in terms of ems (essentially, making it so the line breaks happen at the same places, regardless of how big or small you make the font). That's the theory, anyway. On to the goods --

Any thoughts? :)

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/102520.html