Picture This Website
Date: 05/23/05
(See my site) Keywords: web
Do you enjoy taking pictures? This new photo website could be right up your alley.
Based on some popular LiveJournal communities, Picture This has been born. In picture this, a "Word of the Week" is announced, and users will have a full week to submit pictures that they took which fall in the category of that "Word of the Week". The following week is then open for all visitors to the site to vote on their favorite picture for that week, and the picture with the most votes wins!
For updates to Picture This (http://picturethis.scottmhoward.com/), join or befriend the community
scottswebpage, which posts weekly updates to the site including winners to Picture This, the new "Word of the Week", and any new structural developments in the site.
And if you're not sure if Picture This is right for you, explore the rest of Scott's Webpage. Areas such as MP3 Downloads, Games, Icons, and more!
Scott's Webpage
~ Scott M. Howard ~
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/84040.html