News Web Site
Date: 02/23/07
Keywords: web
News Web Site:
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/102726.html
a question of messaging
Date: 02/15/07
Keywords: no keywords
I'm trying to concentrate on the messaging of the site. Part of that is visual and part text--we're brainstorming how to better tell with words the prospective reader or writer what GUD is and what GUD is about; what someone might expect to find inside us in somewhat more concrete terms.
Meanwhile, visually, we really come across as some dark, surreal horror mag--or so it's been intimated to me, and the site _is_ a bit oppressive after a while.
So this is _one_ thought on where the design might go -- the spacing is all wrong, throughout (at least, it needs tweaking to get lines to where the eye wants them, that sort of thing), but I'm just trying to get an idea for what something could look like (and how to fit more information on the page).
This design, at default font size, adds about 100 pixels to the width of the site. If you could see the "Preview Issue 0" vertical banner on the current site... then you should see the entirety of this design, too. And I'm planning on making it respond more appropriately to font resizing -- sizing the page in terms of ems (essentially, making it so the line breaks happen at the same places, regardless of how big or small you make the font). That's the theory, anyway. On to the goods --

Any thoughts? :)

Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/102520.html
New Goal
Date: 02/04/07
Keywords: no keywords
Our goal is to get 500 members to sign up by the end of February of this year, you can help by registering and inviting your friends here. After you're done, registering, be sure to post in the threads here.
We're trying to make this an active community, and you can help just by registering and posting.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/102277.html
My Hobby Web Site
Date: 01/03/07
Keywords: web
I figured I would show off my web site I made for my hobby.
I collect business cards.
Take a peek and let me now what you think.
All feedback, suggestions, etc. are welcomed.
This is a critique. I want ideas of how I might improve it or such.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/101862.html
figure model seeking work
Date: 12/30/06
Keywords: yahoo
i am a full time figure/portrait/art model in seattle. let me know if you wanna hire me sometime or if you know any other aRtist(s) looking for a model! thanks and happy 2007!
-shannon kringen
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/101422.html
my typekey thingie ..its like a ready made link page
Date: 12/28/06
Keywords: no keywords

when i got this free typekey profile ..i thought how cool ...a ready made link page
you see i know a lot of people that have 3 free blogs to link together
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/101208.html
Date: 12/09/06
Keywords: jsp
Dont fall down!
Here is the site: www.sky-map.org
Here is API: http://server2.sky-map.org/skywindow_demo.jsp
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/100968.html
Graphic Designer
Date: 11/11/06
Keywords: software, offshore, web
Hello All,
We are a software developer firm based out of India, and right now I exploring options for possibility of sharing resources with other companies / creative individuals having experience under their arm for Graphic Designs of new websites, Flash Implementation, Look and feel, content placement etc etc.
If any one is interested please message me on offshoreitsolutions@gmail.com
hemal desai
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/100750.html
My Forum
Date: 11/11/06
Keywords: no keywords
Not sure if this is the place, but I've looked all over LiveJournal, but take a look.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/100400.html
Greatest Uncommon Denominator Magazine
Date: 11/05/06
Keywords: no keywords
Now with a promotional YouTube video! :)
GUD is Greatest Uncommon Denominator, a print/pdf magazine with 200 pages of literary and genre fiction, poetry, and art. Order a copy and find out what GUD is. :)
New meanings are being attached to beauty. GUD exposes you to these, takes you to the edge of the familiar. We bid you, the reader, to step over the line. We open new windows of thought, engage and transport you. GUD delivers intelligent, memorable, and entertaining words and pictures that you'll want to discuss with a friend. We promise to leave an impression.

Come see my site! =)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/100306.html
Jeffington City [ my other free six apart blog ]
Date: 09/25/06
Keywords: no keywords

at this moment i would like to introduce you to my other free sixapart blog known as Jeffington City
click on pic to go there
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/99783.html
my new counter [an old site]
Date: 07/18/06
Keywords: web
i just added a highly advanced free counter to my
[free website linkpage]
and i thought everyone would like to see it
even though i wrote the site 10 years ago
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/99181.html
Kissing Garden
Date: 06/24/06
Keywords: no keywords
A new project "Kissing garden" has been launched: very beautiful, nice music, strong positive energy.
In the Garden fruit grow and get ripe not with the sun but with kisses.
Developed by http://www.ksanlab.com/
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/98989.html
I'm curious what you guys think of this site, lol!
Date: 05/22/06
Keywords: no keywords
You Think You Have It Bad?!
Some friends of mine made this site, and I'm curious what you think about the lay out + voting system!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/98148.html
writer's planner (dot com)
Date: 04/26/06
Keywords: google
This is a little thing I wrote for myself and figured I could maybe make a few google adcents [sic] by sharing.
For writers to keep track of what you've written and where you've sent it. Like anything online, it's beta... but it was alpha a week ago, so hey. And it's got my first stab at AJAX as well. :)
I was happier with the design than I expected to be (the mock-up in photoshop was very drab/generic compared to how it turned out, though I hope it's still fairly plain), which is always nice (I'm not a designer).
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/97514.html
Hi all!
Date: 04/14/06
Keywords: no keywords
I am a new member in LJ.
Let's be friends.
I made a World Top 100 and want to find friends.
Best wishes!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/97033.html
how cool
Date: 04/05/06
Keywords: no keywords
wow i forgot about this site i wrote in 1998 at geocities of austraila its only fractional and i forgot the pass word but its kind of cool because its an earlyer verson of my latest geocities site
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/96682.html
Advertising the Internet
Date: 04/02/06
Keywords: browser
AdSpring.org has just gone live!
Our idea is simple - advertisers decide how much they are willing to pay. The more they pay, the more the exposure. Users set their browser's homepage to us and each time they start surfing they are redirected to a new ad.
At the end of the each month, users get a distribution of our profits based on thier viewing compared to other users. Since we are a small startup, more of our profits can be distributed to the users, having more incentive to keep coming back.
Hope you can spread the word,
The AdSpring team.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/96507.html
not a site, per se -- landing/advertising page
Date: 02/22/06
Keywords: no keywords
I'm not so hot at advertising, so any thoughts on the SELL! SELL! SELL! of Journey of the Sacred King: My Sister's Keeper would be appreciated.
kthx. :)
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/95298.html
Date: 01/18/06
Keywords: no keywords
Red Bull Word Clash
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/see_my_site/94850.html