just passing by
Date: 03/13/05
Keywords: web
Here's some sites my company has done:
A Killer Within movie
Creation Entertainment
Fireside Entertainment
Here's a personal website too:
Uncharted Territories
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/79785.html
Web Designers
Date: 03/09/05
Keywords: web
Hi Everyone,
My company Ckvance, LLC is looking for some new web designers for our clients. Most of our clients are musicians and they are more concerned with the graphic side of the site rather then the development. We are based in Washington D.C and would perfer local designers, but telecommuters work as well.
If you are intrested please send me your resume at chris@ckvance.com
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/79466.html
Date: 03/06/05
Keywords: html
And now inspired by http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/
interduceing the increadible...
with a subdomain as a blog
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/79116.html
Looking for feedback...
Date: 03/01/05
Keywords: no keywords
It's our new fsbo site MiaDomo.com.
Please let us know what you think.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/79052.html
Good Host
Date: 02/27/05
Keywords: web
Since some of you have web pages, or are looking to make one, I thought Id pass on this host, they are grate for the price.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/78547.html
something a little more playful
Date: 02/24/05
Keywords: web
For my own web business, sort of in progress. I know it's not quite business-like, but I need to take a break and let the ideas settle out some.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/78144.html
new (upcoming) magazine for the boston area
Date: 02/23/05
Keywords: no keywords

Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/77975.html
Date: 02/20/05
Keywords: html, web
and now
inspired by a serious pro
prezenting my new hotrod
featuring more than one name
faster loading and smother graphics
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/77558.html
Date: 02/07/05
Keywords: no keywords
Bitter about Valentine's Day, or just want a laugh?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/76678.html
Date: 01/16/05
Keywords: browser, html, java, web
For the first time in god-knows-how-long, I have uploaded a new layout for my website. Please, please, I implore you all to follow this link:
...read my "test run" notes on the main page, click around a little, and let me know how it is displaying with your montior, screen resolution, browser, etc. It represents my first attempt at writing any javascript stuff, so it is quite likely that it won't be displaying correctly for everyone. Screenshots are appreciated, too.
Thanks, guys!
x-posted to see_my_site and my personal journal.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/75306.html
Please test this...
Date: 01/12/05
Keywords: software, css, web
I am not a developer. I repeat: I am not a developer. My brain's so fried I can't even remember what I learned about CSS.
Neither am I a designer. I just do a hell of a lot of stuff on the Web poking about. I'm a writer.
Right now I'm testing Flooble Chatterbox on two different pages. I beg you, beg, beg, cry, crawl, plead with you to drop by either of the following pages (or both if you're just a really generous soul) and say hello in the chatterboxes on the pages.
If you want to, leave a URL to the favorite webpage/site you've designed or your journal.
Real Life vs. The Internet
or "Wired!"
I tried to use Shoutbox at first for this, but it wouldn't load consistently. That bugged me. If anyone knows of a better program, please tell me. Also, if anyone knows of good, easy to administrate forum software, I'd be happy to know that too.
Thank you so much.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/75064.html
Date: 01/04/05
Keywords: no keywords
I recently opened a domain with a close friend of mine, Alex.
The domain itself only serves as a portal, but it features several creative hostees and even a Forum. (If you'd like to join The Forums, don't be shy! Everyone is welcome, and we could sure use some intelligent members. ;)
I was striving for originality when creating the portal page, and I think I succeeded... but then again, what do I know? ;)
Let me know what you think about the portal page(s) and the domain in general.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/74621.html
Date: 01/04/05
Keywords: no keywords

another mirror http://thepubat.20m.com
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/74346.html
My sites
Date: 12/26/04
Keywords: no keywords
I have two sites:
Please (honestly) let me know what you think.
Merry Christmas!!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/74106.html
Looking for feedback...
Date: 12/22/04
Keywords: web
This is my website, Dead Tree Studios .
It features art and writings.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/73784.html
Date: 12/10/04
Keywords: no keywords
Just plugging my new message board. Its been open a little more than a week. Please join!! ^_^
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/73542.html
Date: 12/10/04
Keywords: web
...I'm new here, I just started my site, d0rkella. I was poking around looking for people do to link exchanges with, and decided to check and see if LJ had any communities with webpages.
And naturally, it did. Well, I'm not too totally sure if this is all allowed but I looked at some of the past entries and and the info and it didn't seem too terribly wrong, but if it is just tell me and I'll delete it.
The site is fairly new, but I'm trying to work on it whenever I get the chance. And comments or link exchanges would be super. =)
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/73384.html
Need some advice (and help)
Date: 12/09/04
Keywords: css, html, asp
Hello, ok, so I have yet to really change much of my site, but that's because I can't figure out how this guy made his site look like this and this.
What code am I missing here? I can tell it relies on css (like billions of sites out there now a days) but what am I missing? I thought I had a good grasp of html, but trying to view the sorce... *rubs eyes* I stare at computers all day, it starts to blur after a while. *grin*
Thanks muchly for your help!
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/73169.html
Date: 12/06/04
Keywords: web
Hi, Just thought you all might like to check out my website. It's childrenofvengeance.com. you can also sign up for free webspace there if you like.
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/see_my_site/72774.html