Samba Config Problem - why does one work and the other not?

    Date: 10/01/08 (Software)    Keywords: security

    I have two different samba shares configured.

    Can someone PLEASE tell me my one works exactly as expected (e.g. limits access to the requisite group and give them complete access) while the other one allows EVERYONE view privileges and no one has write/modify privs?

    I am sure I missed something stupid.... but I am too tired to figure it out if I did.

    writeable = yes
    write list = @sharegroup
    force security mode = 111
    create mask = 770
    directory mask = 770
    comment = Storage space for sharegroup files
    user = @sharegroup
    path = /data/common/ShareGroup

    writeable = yes
    write list = @sharegroup
    force security mode = 111
    create mask = 770
    directory mask = 770
    comment = sharegroup's Drive
    user = @sharegroup
    path = /mnt/sharegroup


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