Date: 07/30/05 (Software)    Keywords: rss, software


    There's a new folksonomy software project -
    You can store there list of programs you use, but the real point is something much more interesting:
    You can easily find new / interesting / popular software in various categories, track after specific categories and many other things, like always knowing when your friend or colleague found another interesting program.
    For example, here is my list:
    There is also RSS support :)


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antivirus | apache | asp | blogging | browser | bugtracking | cms | crm | css | database | ebay | ecommerce | google | hosting | html | java | jsp | linux | microsoft | mysql | offshore | offshoring | oscommerce | php | postgresql | programming | rss | security | seo | shopping | software | spam | spyware | sql | technology | templates | tracker | virus | web | xml | yahoo | home