CD Editing Software?

    Date: 01/22/05 (Software)    Keywords: no keywords

    I used to work in a recording studio where I had a wealth of soft apps that allowed me to create CD mixes of songs. While programs like ProTools and Sonic Solutions are overkill (and way expensive) considering what I want to do, they still had the functionality I am seeking.

    I want to be able to make CD mixes within an editor that allows for simple editing, such as setting in- and out- crossfades and perhaps making slight changes to the BPM if sings so that they don't sound 'trainwrecked' when flowing from one to the other. I'm not looking for DJ-like precision; I just want to be able to fade the end of one song out and fade the next one in without it sounding horrible (and hopefully w/o changing the pitch of the altered BPM track as well).

    Can anyone make any (cost-effective or hell, FREE) recommendations?


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