Concurrent Access (In Access)

    Date: 11/16/05 (Software)    Keywords: software, database


    In an effort to speed up the process (and eliminate the amount of dead tree used) in the course of monitoring my work, I decided to not bother with the paper forms my precessor had been using.

    I decided that a Access Database was the way forward (simple to use, and the Access software is on all the computers at work here). For the first couple of weeks I was here, this worked fine, as there was only me using it, and it was on 'my' network drivespace. This morning I was granted access to the shared filespace. This meant that myself and my colleague will be able to use the database.

    Now, the problem I have is that sometimes, things that he has entered don't show up, and things that I have altered don't show up. I have had a look at 'help', and it suggested using 'Records -> Refresh' to make any changes show up. I added a button to the form (which looks like this) to make this simpler.

    I'm not 100% convinced that this is working 100% of the time. Is there a way of forcing the database to refresh itself, so that the most recent version of the table containing the data is always the most recent?

    (x-posted to journal)


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