Cannot automate copying to file?

    Date: 04/26/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: database, sql, microsoft

    I'm attempting to put a simple copy-to-file into a DTS package as the last step of a sequence of events. What I want it to do is take a table and copy that table to a plain text file. Whether or not that file physically exists when I try to do this, the same thing happens. (It can physically exist because I'm capable of doing this manually with Import/Export Data; I'd just like to automate it, as this will be a monthly procedure.)

    I put in the source (SQL Server) and the Destination (Text file), set up the properties on those, then add the data pump task. The data pump task defaults to the same text file as is used in the source step. (This is both attempting to use the same SQL server connection as in the first step-- which is called edi-- and attempting an entirely new connection to the same database-- which is called, imaginatively, edi2.) I click the "Define columns..." button, click "populate from source," and get the columns accurately. I then hit "Execute," the box goes away, and the "columns" listbox on the destination tab is left completely blank. If I hit "define columns..." again, I get the following error, and the two numbers are the same every time:

    The instruction at "0x4173d23a" referenced memory at "0x01591eb8". The memory could not be "written". Click on OK to terminate the program.

    I only managed to find one reference to the 0x417 number, and the reference turned out to be out of date (it 404ed on me). Everything Microsoft has about the generic error has to do with OLAP or things running in parallel; I'm not dealing with OLAP, and I'm not even running the package, just trying to biold it, so no help there.

    Anyone seen anything like this? Got any ideas? Thanks.


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