Textcopy in SQL 2005? (inserting BLOB/CLOB data)

    Date: 06/21/06 (SQL Server)    Keywords: database, sql, microsoft

    Hi folks. Anyone know if TEXTCOPY is still a viable utility in SQL Server 2005?

    I've just installed SQL Server 2005 for the first time and I'm trying to populate a database using the same scripts and batch files that work fine for me in SQL2K. The batch files I use to insert BLOB and CLOB data use TEXTCOPY...and fail. On searching the SQL2005 folder hierarchy, I see no evidence of TEXTCOPY at all. I've tried general Googling, but have found no explicit mention on SQL2005 and TEXTCOPY (on way or the other) and, of course, TEXTCOPY is an undocumented utility to begin with :)

    UNDER SQL2K: c:\program files\microsoft sql server\mssql\binn\textcopy
    UNDER SQL2005: ???

    If TEXTCOPY is no more, perhaps someone can recommend an alternate straightforward method of populating BLOB/CLOB data in SQL2005?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/50041.html

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