I could use some input on SQL Server DBA vs. Developer tasks

    Date: 12/03/07 (SQL Server)    Keywords: database, sql

    I'd like input on what is considered SQL Server developer tasks vs. SQL Server DBA tasks. I know there's a lot of overlap and would like to identify which task truly falls into which bucket and which tasks truly apply to both.

    I'm a bit "stuck between a rock and a hard place," SQL Server-wise. I've done a lot of database design, creation, administering, writing complex ANSI SQL and T-SQL and the like in Access since 1994 (when you didn't get fluffy cute wizards to help you and had to learn to program and normalize data and plan db's the hard way!) :-p

    I now have a little over 3 yrs experience in SQL Server (v.2000 and 2005). Unfortunately, both places where I did SQL work did not allow for me to get into the fun developer tasks (barely had the chance to work with or edit stored procedures or do any real performance tuning or query optimization).

    I did get to do a lot of complex T-SQL coding, including detailed CASE statements. I did various tasks that fall under ETL (importing flat files, spreadsheets, cleaning the data, pulling random samples) as well as Decision Support (pulling a variety of counts and other aggregate data post-project for the Project Managers and Exec. Mgmt).

    My goal is to get the new 2005 version of the MCDBA certification and be a 2005 SQL Developer. It's a bit hard to get in anywhere except as a SQL Server Analyst at the moment. Any advice in that area would be appreciated.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/sqlserver/65221.html

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